Thursday, October 22, 2015


In my first post I promised I would share with with you a pause and connect point from my first book Beyond Companionship: Connecting with Kindred Souls of Animal Companions, here it is!

In Hindu, Namaste means “I bow to the divine in you.” The spoken word is often accompanied by a bowing gesture made with the person’s hands in a prayer position in front of their heart chakra. This salutation has become increasingly popular in western culture by a boom in the mind, body, and spirit practice of yoga. Many people use the short explanation of this term as “the divine within me recognizes and honors the divine within in you.” Being in this mindset of honoring the divine within is a great way to connect with and honor your animal companion’s soul-self. A short while ago, I started to see the animals around me through the definition of Namaste and I believe this practice has had a profound effect on deepening the level of connectivity I share with the animals around me. In passing, I will even do a slight bow to an animal in the spirit of honoring that animal’s true essence or soul-self. The following definition of Namaste I found on a poster hanging in a new age store transforms this salutation to a beautiful description of a soul connection: “My soul honors your soul. I honor the place in you where the entire universe resides. I honor the light, love, truth, beauty and peace within you because it is also within me.” 
In sharing these things, we are united, we are the same, we are one. Being in the Namaste mindset when interacting with your animal companion is a great practice for honoring the soul within them. 

I invite you right now to begin seeing your animal companion through the definition of Namaste.


  1. Yes! I love this. I too bow at the presence of an animal.I believe in honoring all brothers and sisters, so I very closely relate to this post. thanks for sharing! Namaste'.

  2. I am so happy you enjoyed the post! Honoring the soul within all beings impacts collective consciousness in a big way. #oneness
