Monday, January 25, 2016


Animal companions often get caught up in the hustle and bustle of our everyday lives. Its easy to begin just going through the motions of feed the cat, groom the horse,  let the dog in, let the dog out, throwing the ball while watching TV. Being a conscious companion means periodically stepping out of the routine and really connecting with your companion. 

Mindful observation is a simple 3 step practice to help you to experience the presence of your animal companion.

1.) Choose an animal companion to focus on for this exercise.  
2.) Begin to place all your focus and attention on him/her. Don't try to control your companions action just be the observer. If  s/he leaves the room activate all your senses to keep him/her in your awareness.  Relax into the harmony of this connectivity for as long as you can. 

3.) When you are ready to shift out of this exercise in observation end by thanking your animal companion for his or her prescience in your life. 

Sign up for my weekly sentiments of love and inspiration from the animals we share our lives with and receive a Quick-Start Guide to Conscious Companionship! 

Monday, January 18, 2016


Animal Communication Course
Intuitive Animal Communicator, Amy Miller

HEART to HEART Animal Communiation Course makes it possible for anyone to experience heart to heart connection and communication with animals.

When someone tells me that they are not intuitive, or that they could never connect with animals the way I do, they are really telling me that they don't understand how intuition works for them. You see, intuition is a gift that manifests differently within each of us. Some will see pictures, other hear words, while some like me have a distinct feeling of knowing. It is because of this diversity that  I made the first lesson in my HEART to HEART Animal Communication Course, Introduction to Intuition and Animal Communication. It is key before diving into the deep end of animal communication that participants to learn what it feels like to connect with their intuition and have an opportunity to practice feeling what it feels like when they receive intuitive information. Introduction to Intuition & Animal Communication is taught live by me in a 2hr tele-class and designed for absolute beginners.

Participants will:
~ Discover the 4 types of intuitive communication.
~ Identify what it feels like when the receive a communication from an animal.
~ Obtain the magic key to successful connection and communication with animals. 
~ With my guidance practice connecting and exchanging information with your animal
    companion as well as an animal unfamiliar to you.
Pilot class on February 2nd at 6pm is limited to 25 people and will be offered at a one time introductory prices of $85

I want to explore my intuition and experience a deeper connection with our animal friends.

Lesson One:      Introduction to Intuition & Animal Communication
Lesson Two:     HEART to HEART Connection & Communication
Lesson Three:  HEART to HEART Health & Wellness
Lesson Four:    HEART to HEART with Animals in Spirit
Bonus:               Private Facebook page to share homework, connection &
                            communication experiences,  and get daily inspiration, comments, 
                            and insights from me!

Monday, January 11, 2016

What Do Your Animal Companion 

The Man Made Crystal Orgonite 

Have in Common? 

They each have a magical way of transmuting the energy around them from negative, lower vibrations to positive, higher vibrations. You know that special kinda happy  get when you come home and your best four-legged is at the door waiting to love on you , or when you arrive at the barn and your horse is waiting at the gate naying at you. Well, that very same energetic vibration of your animal companion that takes any lower vibrational energy or negative emotion you might be brining home with you and instantly kicks it up a couple notches, is very much in alignment with the vibe you get when you are around Orgonite. 

There is actually a lot of scientific mumbo-jumbo to show how Orgonite sucks up the negative energies around it and transmutes that very energy into positive energy. Check out Ogronite Info for more of the official scientific mumbo-jumbo.  Me, I don't need proof I feel the vibes. I'm a believer and I have the stuff stashed all over my house, on my desk, under my bed, Griffin my German Shepherd even likes it under his bed! Yes, our animal friends are sensitive to the vibes of crystals, and they like a happy boost too. 

Much like the presence of a beloved animal companion can feel like a ray of sunshine after a month of rain, orogonite or orgone as it is sometimes called resonates happy, puppy licking your face, biting your toes happy.  Who doesn't want a little more happy!  

If you are feeling like you and your companion might like a little energy boost in your space you can make your own Orgonite

Enjoy the happy!

Monday, January 4, 2016

Where there is a soul there is a journey and a purpose.

I believe that we are souls who chose to come to this time and space to have a human experience. I also believe our animal companions are souls who chose to come to this time and space to have an experience.  If you have read my first book Beyond Companionship: Connecting with Kindred Souls of Animal Companions you will know that I also believe where there is a soul there is a journey and a purpose.

As an intuitive animal communicator I see the life purpose of animal companions manifest in a multitude of ways.  I have met a horse here to help his person perfect a new training technique that will change how other riders train their companions. I have observed human hearts in need of healing find that healing within the unconditional love of an animal companion.  I uncover new and profound purpose in the presence of animal companions with every intuitive session I do.

Here is an example of purpose taken from my book Beyond Companionship. Archie’s owner was looking to connect with him and get some closure around his passing. I could immediately feel the energy of Archie’s true essence as a loving and nurturing soul. After assuring my client that he was ok, three words began repeating in my mind: companionship, care, and support. I could tell these words each held great purpose and meaning for Archie in reference to the life we were communicating with him about. My intuition told me there was an important message for this woman that involved these words. This prompted me to ask his owner what her profession was, and I assumed it must have been one that was in some way emotionally demanding like my client from the previous story.  She shared with me that she was a social worker. I shared with her that Archie’s purpose for sharing his most recent life experience with her was to be a companion, to care for her and support her through his presence.  Archie’s owner instantly resonated with this message and thanked me for affirming what she had felt throughout their time together.

Tell me conscious companions, have you uncovered purpose in the presence of your companion? 

How has that purpose manifested?