Monday, February 22, 2016


2 messages you can send your animal for a smooth transition into your new home.  

Last week I had sessions with two horses who would be moving to new barns. It is common for owners to book a session to connect with their animal companions when getting ready to move to a new home. When using communication to help an animal prepare for a move there are three key messages that I like to send. 

1. Let your companion know when the move is taking place. 

As soon as you know you will be moving it is important to begin including your animal companion in the conversation.  Something I tell all my clients is that our animal friends feel us first. Meaning that before your companion sees you, hears you, s/he feels your energy.  S/he knows something is going on and part of being a conscious companion to your animal means keeping him/her in the loop. 
Start by sending a simple out loud message to your companion telling him/her the day that you will me moving to the new home as well as how far in the future the move is going to be, one week/one month/etc.  Then you will want to send a verbal reminder message to your companion as moving day approaches.    

2. Share the details. 

Giving your animal companion specifics about the moving process an help ease moving anxiety. One of the horses I worked with last week is not a fan of having to ride in the horse trailer. Acknowledging that and letting him know why he was having to ride in the trailer as well as how long the trip to his new home was going to be shifted the energy of the experience. His owner even contacted me the day after his move to let me know how smooth the transition went. Share any details you have with your companion and s/he will thank you. 

3. Invite your companion to make him or herself at home.

During a session with an animal that is going to be moving I will actually say to that animal this is going to be your new home. We want you to start making yourself feel at home right away, and Get familiar with the surroundings. In the case of the two horses I worked with last week I invited them to make friends with the new people who would caring for them daily as well as the other horses. 
After moving to the new location you can take this one step further and give your animal companion a tour of his/her new home. This is especially important if there are areas your companion is not able to go, or if there are introductions to friends that need to be made. 

Intuitive commucniation is an exchange of informtion and not always conversation. Some times messages are relayed via pictures or mental imagery. Animals are very open to receiving messages this way. It can be helpful when preparing your animal companion for a move to send him/her pictures of what your new home looks likes. 
Mental imagery as a message is easy to do. Before going to sleep when you are in your bed and relaxed, say to your companion *insert name* I want to show you what our new home looks like. Then proceed to play a movie in your mind, a walk through tour so to speak of your new home. Your companion will receive theses images and get familiar with the new surroundings. 

Sending these messages to your animal companion will help him/her understand the shift in your energy, and reduce the level of stress that accompanies a move for your animal companion. If you are moving and would like some support in preparing your companion I would love to connect and support you through an intuitive communication session. 

Monday, February 15, 2016


Wellness pet food company recently ran a social media campaign asking people to post a picture of their animal companions with a caption that included  #TruLoveIs.  Looking at my 12 year old German Shepherd and best friend Griffin, the words that pooped in my head were timeless & eternal. 

Then I got to thinking, how is this timeless & eternal love created?

The answer: Presence, by our choosing to being present and experience the love that surrounds us in every moment.

The animal(s)you share our lives with have an interesting super power, animals are pure love made manifest. Animal companions are holding the space of unconditional love for you. To experience this pure and profound love you need only be present. One of the easiest ways to get out of your head and snap yourself into the present moment is to do a sensory checklist. What are you seeing, hearing, touching, tasting, smelling. Next time you are hanging out with your four-legged bestie do a quick sensory check in, get fully present in the moment and really enjoy his or her companionship.

To experience true love you need only be present to all the love in your life. 

Monday, February 1, 2016


The following excerpt from my book Beyond Companionship: Connecting with Kindred Souls of Animal Companions, is a favorite of mine to read at book signing events. It gets people thinking about the purpose of their animal companions presence in their life, making for a good dissuasion.  Grab your journal, a pen, and use the questions from the reading (included below) to explore the deeper meaning of your animal companions presence. 

Think of a significant relationship you have shared with an animal companion in your life. For this exercise it does not matter if the animal is still with you or has passed. Recall what you felt the first time you met this animal companion. Was it like every other animal you have met or was there an immediate connection?  Can you recall the other circumstances of your life when this animal came to you.  What was your state of being physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually at the time you met this animal companion?  Think about the time you spent connecting, bonding, and building the relationship you now share with this animal. Now think about how that same animals presence has affected you on every level. Are you more physically active now because of your dog’s love for walking?  Are you happier in your day to day life because of the joy you get from visiting your horses in the barn? Are you feeling more connected to the other animals and people in your life because of the deep connection you share with this animal friend?

On a sheet of paper, write down two notable things that have changed in your life as a result of this animal's presence. Based on what you have read thus far and after looking at these two changes, is it possible that your animal companion is or was playing a meaningful role in your life beyond the role of animal companion? At this time, it is not important to label your soul connection using one of the types of soul connections I have described in chapter 3. The label is not as important as you becoming more aware that your animal companion’s presence has purpose.

Join me for my next book signing:
February 6th | 12-2pm