Thursday, June 9, 2016


As an intuitive animal communicator and grief coach I am always reconnecting people with their departed animals, but in truth our animal friends who are now in spirit are always reaching out and connecting. You might see your departed dog out of the corner of your eye, or think you feel your departed cat brush up against your leg. A woman in my free monthly pet loss healing group told us about how when she's found dimes she knows they are a sign from her beloved departed dog. After telling her friends this they now tell her, I saw a dime and it made me think of you and your departed dog. Bonds of love are eternal and each of these is a way which departed animal companions connect so we can continue to feel their love and presence.

Another very common way for a departed animal friend to reach out and reconnect is to visit in a dream. I think its easy for them to connect in a dream because the mental mind is not engaged, controlling and judging the experience making clear, authentic connection possible. The trick is remembering the experience in the morning and dream scripting/dream journaling helps with that.  It is a fact that everyone dreams 4-5 dream cycles a night and if you would like to intentional set up a dream reunion with your departed companion here is a simple 3 step process for creating a intentional dream connection. 


1. Set your intention
Begin by seeing the mental image of your departed animal companion in you minds eye. On a piece of paper jot down your intention for meeting your companion in your dream tonight. Is there something you want to say to him/her? Is there something you want to feel? You might want to pet or hug your companion, maybe just the comfort of his or her presence is what you want to experience. Is there something you need to know? Are you wondering if your departed companion is ok? Would you like to receive some divine wisdom from him or her? 

2. Say the mantra
I love this mantra! I got it from Charlie Morley's Hay House World Summit 2016 interview. 
                                        "Tonight I remember my dreams.
                                        I have excellent dream recall."      -Charlie Morley
Repeat this mantra over and over as you fall asleep. You want this to be the last thought you have before driving off to dream. 

3. Journal
It is a fact that keeping a dream journal helps you remember your dreams. People who write down what they recall from their dreams right away when they wake up remember more, and if you do this repetitively you remember even more. Don't make a big deal about this. Keep the paper with your dream intention on your night stand and when you wake up in the morning give yourself 3-5 minutes to jot down the main points, main narrative or anything
you can remember from your dream. 

The more you practice these intentional dream scripting steps the easier it will become for you to recall connecting with your departed animal friend in the dream. Your animal companion wants to love, support and connect with you.  Dream scripting is a great way for you to reach out and initiate the reconnection. These steps I have given fro intentional dream are also first steps to Lucid Dreaming, allowing one to consciously interact within your dream. If you are interested in learning more about lucid dreaming check out Charlie Morley's work.

Sweet Dreams Conscious Companions...

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