Friday, August 3, 2018


When we share our lives with an animal the hardest moment is when it's time to say good bye and let him or her transition back to the greater dimensions of life. This months in-the-moment message is for pets who are getting ready to cross the rainbow bridge. One thing that can ease the transition to spirit for your pet is your being at peace with his or leaving. Even if peace is not available you to because the pain of loss can be so overwhelming, a simple understanding from you that its his or her time can actually help a pet let go and release his or her body.

I understand that this is a conversation you don't want to have. When I had this conversation two years ago with my best friend Griffin, I can remember looking at him laying on his bed asking me to let him go and saying this is not it, this can not be THAT moment. But it was, and when I relinquished to that fact he and I were able to be present to one another his last day in a way I will always be grateful for.

I'm not going to give you the message or the words so to speak like I have for every other in-the-moemnt message, rather the essence of the message. That essence is, that you understand it's time for him or her to release the pain or experience of the physical body, that it's ok to go. Weather your animal companion is leaving on his/her own or your are supporting him/her in transitioning voicing that it's ok for them to go now is a gift and will immediately shift the energy around the experience for you both. I have worked with animals who leave quickly upon hearing these words, I have seen animals perk up from the relief of these words just enough to share one more day or one more romp with their person. What ever the circumstance it seems to always be what was meant to be.  

Sometimes the message you don't want to send is the message that is most needed. If you would like guidance in supporting your animal through transition, you can CLICK HERE to book a transiting session with me.

For more detailed information on my in-the-moment message sending techniques and supporting animals in transition check out my book Beyond Companionship: Connecting with Kindred Souls of Animal Companions (click title for purchase link)

Monday, July 30, 2018


My In-The-Moment Message for July is all about supporting pets through the noises 4th celebrations but will help anyone who's pet does not like outside loud noise like thunder as well. I recently learned that more pets go missing on the 4th of July than any other day of the year. It's important to be prepared and take precautions to support your pet no matter what their level of anxiousness around the noisy 4th celebration is. Preparedness  might mean making quieter plans, having herbal calming treats/pills, a thunder shirt, etc.and should always include communication.

While I understand some anxieties are so bad they can not be fixed with a few messages, communication between you and your is always a win because it teaches your animal companion to look to you for information. No matter what your animals level of anxiety is around loud noises like storms or fireworks here are my in-the-moment messages for July will support you. 

The first message comes before the action. You all want to send a preliminary message to let you companion know what's up. You might say, "I know you don't like loud noise I want you to know its going to be loud out side tonight at dark for a few hours." Or if you have a more specific time, get as specific as you can. Send a reminder message at the time for the loud event gets closer. If you want you can add on a second message like. "I want you to know your safe, or I have set up a safe hiding space for you, or I'm going to be giving you extra treats to help you stay as calm as you can." What ever the case may be just give a short explanation. 

During the "action" you may want to send reassuring messages about how much longer the noise is expected to continue. No matter, what the level of upset is do this. Even if your dog isn't very upset at all. Because again, this is an opportunity to teach your companion to look to you for information and learn to trust what you say. If your dog is having a sever reaction do the best you can to manage in all the ways you know how, and include these communications. Your pet will here you especially if you begin the preliminary messaging before they get slip in to a fight or flight response where they are reacting and not able to consciously connect with you.

When communicating during a stressful time for your pet it is best to be very matter of fact. Being harsh or being overly comforting is seen from your animal's point of view as you being weak or not in control. They can easily become confuse about who if anyone around is able to lead them through the noisy/scary event. Keep your messages during this time short and to the point and your messages will be revived loud and clear every time.  

Happy Chatting! 

Friday, June 29, 2018


This past month I have been working with many animals who have transitioned into the greater dimensions of life. I have been inspired to make my June in-the-moment message for those of you who have animal companions across the rainbow bridge. 

The deep bonds forged when you share your life with an animal companion. The love you share does not disappear when your animal companion passes, it actually acts as a link forever connecting your Souls. I like to visualize this connecting as a bright, shinning, silver chord with a sparkling white aura connecting your two hearts. When you have a memory of your pet, or connect with him/her in a dream, mediation, or animal communication session that silver thread activates and in my minds eye it lights up Soul to Soul, making your connection almost tangible. In fact many clients describe feeling their deceased companions presence, smelling them, even catching a glimpse of him/her out of the corner of their eye.
I have found their is no limit to the lengths your animal friends in spirit will go to in helping you to be aware of their on going love for you. While everyones level of awareness around this messages is different, I can assure you the message of love form the other-side are flowing to you. This is the one consistency in all of my animals in spirit sessions. Messages of love that is unconditional and eternal, as well as confirmations of signs that those left behind have witnessed. 
Your in-the-moment message for June is this; acknowledge out-loud the presence of your beloved animal fiends in spirit when you feel there presence near. Do this no matter how the presence makes it self known to you. Trust your intuition, you know what's up! Honor the moments you are; flooded with memories, catch a glimpse of him or her in his/her favorite spot, trip over a favorite toy, smell the wet dog smell, or that amazing, indescribable, so good smell when you burry your nose in the neck of a horse, when you wake up from a dream and you are aware that s/he was with you, when that penny, bird, or butterfly that keeps popping into your field of awareness. It's all divine, it's all love, it's all for you. Say (insert name here) thank you. I see you, I feel you, I love you too. 

Happy Chatting!

To book a communication session with me and your animal in spirit click this link: 

Thursday, May 24, 2018


Last night my significant other was feeling emotional about the remembered loss of a family member and he asked me, " Do you upset when you think about your dad?'  (I lost my dad many years ago when I was in collage.) I paused for moment and answered honestly, "No, but I still get very emotional about the loss of Griffin (my GSD)."

The Truth of it all:
The loss of my dad was a difficult experience especially because it was a shock, but that moment in time did not begin to compare to the overwhelmingly devastating loss of Griffin (almost 3 years ago) I honestly don't know if there are words to describe sorrow of that level. You would assume my position as an animal communicator and certified grief coach coupled with my pre-greiving, i.e. knowing because of his condition (DM) that the loss was coming, and being in communication with him throughout the entire process would have prepared me to manage my grief.

 It didn't. 

The grief hit me like a tsunami. For months the giant sea swell repeatedly toppled me over, dragging me under, churning me under the surface, with glimpses of air so faint and far between There were times I litteraly didn't know if I would make it. I was affected to the core of my being. The desolate pain and stress of it all showing up months later wreaking havoc on my physical and mental health. I would wake up at night in extreme panic thinking I was having a heart-attack. I would have these extreme panic attacks at the most random times even sitting in church. Because of that I became afraid leaving my house. Yes, you read that right. Outgoing, fun loving, me paralyzed by the fear that I would have a melt-down or panic-attack in public. I would cry all the time at random even when I thought I was happy. It was like I had no control over my body.  I became desolate, isolated, only reading out to the life raft those close to me in the most extreme moments when I felt I was grasping for my sanity. Looking back I'm lucky one of these panic attacks landed me in the ER giving me the opportunity to find support in managing my symptoms on every level. 

With the help of medication (I was on an anti-anxiety/depression medication for 9 months), a much need and focus on self-care, friends, family, and whole lot of soul searching I began to heal. So, why am I telling you all this...

I want you to know if your hurting, your not alone. 

The attached article that popped up in my feed this morning reminded me that I'm not alone in my loss. Many of us have experienced the loss of a beloved friend, family member, pet. We all experience, manage, live with and heal grief in our way, in our own time. I can't tell you how ashamed I felt that things got so bad I needed to be on medication for a time. Happy go lucky, blessed and grateful, fabulous me, medicated. It was surreal and a wake up call. I can honestly say now I don't think I could have truly seen where I was, or broke through the despair with out it. Here I am. Baring all. On the other side. Moments of grief still sifting through me at times, but carrying my grief in a healthier, manageable way. If I could only offer one sentiment of support to anyone out there in pain it would be this...

Be kind to yourself. 
You are where you are, and that's ok. If you need help, that's ok too. Be kind to yourself about where you are, the choices you make, and how you move through the present part of your journey in this time and space. Wether you know it or not what's happening right now is happening for you not to you. There is a light at the end of your tunnel. If all my years as a professional animal communicator and pet-loss grief coach have taught me anything, they have taught me this. You are not alone. The ones you love are loving you from the greater dimensions of life now and ALWAYS. 

If you are looking for support after the loss of a pet here is a link to my book, Beyond Companionship, It address supporting a pet through tradition and connecting even after s/he has crossed the rainbow bridge. Also a link to my services if you are seeking to connect with a pet who has passed. <3

The mentioned article from my Facebook feed:

Thursday, May 17, 2018


Last month I worked with a few animal companions who were not feeling 100% and needed to take medication. Some animal companions don't mind taking medication if you are hiding it in something exciting like cheese, or hotdogs. There are some animal companions who will find a way to spit their meds back out no matter how stealth you think you are.  This months in-the-moment-messge is for anyone who needs their animal companion to be good about eating, drinking, or taking medication.

When I send a message to an animal who is not waiting to take an important medication or supplement I start always with the acknowledgment of their experience. For those of you who have read my book Beyond Companionship (link above) know that acknowledgment of the animals experience  creates a shift in energy, an opening that making your animal more receptive to whatever message or training technique that follows. I acknowledge the dislike first.

Next I explain what and/or why s/he has to take the medication focusing on the animals guardians motivation, i.e, supporting optimum health and well-being. I also let the animal know how important s/he is the guardian/family. I then add something like this, "So and so is committed to helping you feel your best and anything you can do to help so and so with that would be appreciated." At this point I may get specific with the animal about the action need such as drinking more water if there is dehydration, or say, "We need you to be calmer about taking your pill, or please eat all your food there is <insert med> in there to help you feel better."

This months message is short and simple but very effective as all messages should be!

Recap: Acknowledge the animals experience, give a short explanation about what and/or why, tell your animal companion what action you need from them.

For anyone having a rough time sticking a big pill down your animals throat, here is my super secret trick I used with Griffin. Roll the pill in butter before you try. It will be super slick to slide down and super tasty too!

Happy Chatting! 

For more detailed information on my in-the-moment messages ending techniques check out the Pause & Connect Point on page 37 of my book Beyond Companionship: Connecting with Kindred Souls of Animal Companions (click title for purchase link)

Thursday, April 12, 2018


Opening your heart to a new animal friend is exciting and stressful for both you and your new companion. This months in the moment message is a simple one. But the positive impact of this message on your new friend will be noticeably felt. 

Last month our in-the-moment message was targeted for animal companions who are moving. The techniques shared are ones I uses in sessions with profound success and if you CLICK HERE you can check it out. 

 For our April in-the-moment message we are going one step further and adding a short, simple message to support rescued or re-homed animals when welcoming them into a new home or more specifically their forever home. 

Your April message:  This is a place where you are welcomed and loved. I/we invite you to get comfortable with the surroundings because this is your forever home. 

This message is the perfect add-on to last months message work for animals who are moving  to welcome a rescued or re-homed animal into your home. Sometimes the most simple clear message like, this is your forever home, spoken out loud with heart is exactly what is needed to be heard for an animal friend to open up their heart and begin to trust again. This months message will ease anxiety, tensions, make your intentions clear and give you a strong foundation for trust to build on. 

Side Note: This ones for you Faith (You know who you are goddess of rescue.) and anyone who fosters/rescues in a situation where your home is not the last stop for your furry, feathered or scaly friend. You can send a similar message of intention letting the animal in your care know they are in a safe home where they are welcomed and loved and you are going to care for them and learn all you can about about them so that you can help him/her find them a forever family. It's also kind to let them know via in-the-moment verb an message how the search is going. Example; A family is coming to visit with you today. I'm taking to meet a new friend today. I heard you will going to your new home in a week (then give reminder updates) 

This should almost be its own column. It is a message I use in session frequently i.e. almost every session I'm focusing on trust building. Bonus Animal Communication In-The-Momnt Message: You are safe here. I take my role as your caretaker very seriously. I would never put you in a situation that would purposely hurt or harm you. 

Happy Chatting!

Monday, April 2, 2018


Every Post I will be writing about specific messages to help you enhance your relationship and verbal communication with your animal friends. For more detailed information on my in-the-moment messages ending techniques check out the Pause & Connect Point on page 37 of my book Beyond Companionship: Connecting with Kindred Souls of Animal Companions (click title for purchase link)

Last month you started the verbal conversion between you and your companion with a simple message of affection and care. Lets expand the conversation from whats going on between you and your pet to whats going on in your life.

This month your in-the-moment message for your animal companion will be a heads up on the going ons in your home. Don't overthink this, keep it simple sweetie. If you are communicating with a house pet you can give him or her specifics about when you are coming home if leaving the house. I would even go as far as telling your companion where you are going.  I have seen these types of messages go far in helping pets who are a little anxious around their persons coming and goings.

If you are communicating with a barn/stable friend you might want to communicate your visiting schedule for the week, letting him or her know when s/he can expect you.  The trick to this is, sticking to what you have said and if your going to change your plans do a little distant communication to give your animal friend(s) a heads up. 

Three step distant message sending technique:
1- Take a deep cleansing breath.
2- Picture your animal as if they are sitting right in front of you, I always used to imagine my favorite photo of Griffin when I did this.
3-Send your message
Yup, it's that simple!

Happy Chatting!


Last year with my monthly newsletter column we talked connection and communication, you can see this information in previous posts titled Animal Communication Quick Tips. This years monthly column I'm making verbal communication or in-the-moment message sending the focus of the column. You can lean more about in-the-moment message sending in my book Beyond Companionship: Connecting with the Kindred Souls of Animal Companions.  These next 12 posts will be based on the Pause and Connect point found on page 37. 


I have always said we do not give our animals enough credit for what they are able to understand and comprehend. When we we send a clear, focused message out loud (because out loud is much more affirming when we are beginners at communicating) the intention, energy, and meaning of the message is fully relieved by our animal companions.
If you work with me you know I believe animals have connection and communication preference and we should readily use those preferred ways to connect. However, animals can learn via all connection and communication avenues and making verbal communication i.e. in-the moment message sending a connection point in your relationships with animals you will have an animal who begins to not only better understand you but who will look to you as a source of information.

Messages can be as simple as I love you, or as complex as when under saddle you say to your horse when I nudge you here with my foot I need you to a.b.c....The trick to in-the-moment message sending is to do it. Because the more you give your horse information you are peeling the onion going deeper and deeper into connection, trust. 

This month your in-the-moment message home work is to simply begin the conversation. Start talking out loud to your animal companion giving him or her tid-bits of information here and there and she how he/she responds. In a short time your animal companion will begin to look to you for these messages and you can starting using the technique productively. 

Throughout the next 12 months I will be writing one speciific messages every month to help you enhance your relationship and verbal communication with your animal friends. 

To sign up for these messages via my monty email - CLICK HERE