Friday, October 21, 2016

In Memory Of Griffin


Excerpt from my book Beyond Companionship: Connecting with Kindred Souls of Animal Companions, in memory of my beloved companion Griffin. 

Waking Up: My First Soul Connection

I open my eyes slowly because the sunlight is invading my bedroom and I am aware that it is the weekend and I have slept in. I am also aware that the head of my three-year-old German Shepherd, Griffin, is resting on the bed and he is intently staring at me. I close my eyes and snuggle into my purple shabby chic comforter, wondering what he wants. My mind rests on the most obvious answer--Griffin needs to go outside.

I groan to myself at the thought of leaving my present comfort, and it is at that moment that I notice one very distinct sound missing--his whine. German Shepherds have a unique whine that any owner can attest to. The whine is so high pitched that there are moments I am sure Griffin is making noise, but the sound is beyond my range of hearing. The high pitch sounds made by Griffin that are within my hearing range can awake me from dead sleep. Griffin employs the German Shepherd whine often when he needs to go outside.

I turn my head back to Griffin, meeting his unusually quiet attentive stare and a question pops into my head, Why don’t we go to shows on the weekend anymore?

My logical mind protests this random and unexpected intrusion by not answering the question,  Immediately another question presents itself: Why did we move here?

Ok, I think. I am now intrigued as Griffin’s chin is still resting on the side of my bed and he has not taken his eyes off me. These are not questions I would ask myself, and all this while I am wondering, Am I dreaming right now?  I start to clearly think the answers to these questions that were presented in my mind and a dialogue begins. I then, in my mind, ask, Griffin, are you asking me these questions?  

He replies, Yes.

I have a dear friend and mentor, Paris Drake, a world-renowned psychic who has an office not far from where I grew up in Wisconsin. When Griffin connected with me and asked these questions, I wasn’t shocked. Because of my relationship with Paris, I was very open to the fact that connecting with other souls-- even animal souls--is possible.
If I could have invited you into my head to witness my first time communicating with an animal, my exchange with Griffin would have sounded like an inner monologue. Even today when an animal sends me a verbal message during a session, in my mind it is a similar feeling to what you feel when you are talking to yourself. I have learned that being aware of what I am thinking and feeling in every moment allows me to be acutely aware when I experience thoughts and feelings outside of my own. This is because our thoughts and feelings are sent out into the surrounding world through energy.  
At the core of each of our beings, person or animal, there is an energy, a vibration, a unique expression that radiates out into the world. These individual energetic frequencies converge in an ocean of energy which results in a sea of oneness where we all are interconnected.  The more I reached into this sea of oneness, connecting to the energies and souls around me, the more I began to resonate with the undeniable connectivity existing just beneath the surface of everything we see. It is this very oneness which allows me to peer into the eyes of a client's beloved animal companion and glimpse into their life experience.
If you would have told me at the moment Griffin first connected with me in this way that talking with animals would become my passion and life's work, I would not have believed you,  but the truth is something awoke deep within me that sunny spring morning in 2006, and over the course of the next year, I incessantly read books on animal communication and chatted with every animal that crossed my path.

People oftentimes ask me how I came to be an Intuitive Animal Communicator, inquiring if I have spent my whole life chatting with the animals, questioning who I studied with, and how many years of lessons I took. In truth, none of these paved the way to my present career.  I started with a gift and an insatiable need to share it. The rest of my pilgrimage from Amy Miller to Amy Miller, Intuitive Animal Communicator unfolded over time in the serendipitous way that occurs when you allow yourself to stand in the truth of who you are.


Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Goodbye My Beloved Friend, Forever in My Heart.

I said goodbye to my best friend yesterday. Thanks to the integrity and compassion of the amazing people at Caring Pathways the experience was peaceful for both Griffin and I.  He passed laying next to me on his bed while I pet him, told him how loved he was, and how grateful I was such a beautiful soul came to share 12 years in this time and space with me. Deva Premal and Miten played softly on my iPhone in the background. The song "Shadow of Light" came on and when it ended everything went silent, the music stopped the exact moment I felt Griffin leave his body.

Making the decision to support Griffin's transition into the greater dimension of life was the hardest thing I have ever done. You might think that because I am animal communicator, who specializes in supporting people with the departure of their beloved companions that the process might be somewhat easier. I assure you it was not.  Griffin and I talked, and I was fully aware of his wishes. His health had been declining over the past few weeks and in his last two days the Degenerative Myelopathy had progressed to the point where he couldn't walk or stand, but when he looked at me he was still Griffin, my all smiles best friend. I sat at the computer bawling, going through articles I had preciously pinned to help others going through what I was now going through.  Griffin was whispering it's ok, I'm ready to go, it's time, its ok. My heart knew his words were true but my mind was having a hard time catching up. Even with the apparent fact that his body was clearly no longer serving him in this life, I couldn't fathom that this was it. And a big part of me was not wanting to get on board with making the call to the vet and move forward with making arrangements to let Griffin go.

While coping with the thoughts of my impending loss I stubbled across an article on my Pet-Loss Grief Healing Board titled, "Knowing When It's Time to say Goodbye". by Robin Bennet.  In the article she references a book she read that helped her with making the decision to let her beloved companion go. The book "The Dog Cancer Survival Guide," at one point outlined the 7 joys of life:

  • The joy of eating and drinking
  • The joy of motion
  • The joy of social interactions
  • The joy of having a fully-functioning body
  • The joy of a healthy mental state
  • The joy of play
  • The joy of expression

Robin's article shared that "The Dog Cancer Survival Guide" explained a pet losing one joy could still have a wonderful life, but if three or more joys of life were missing from the pets life the one would have to seriously consider quality of life. My own thought while reading this was at that point one would also have to find the strength to support their companion through the end of life process, something I discuss in my book, Beyond Companionship. It was clear to me that Griffin had loss the joy of motion, a fully-functionhing body, the joy of play, and joy of the full expression of livingness. That awareness was the turning point for me, I knew it was time in my heart and my mind now, but I still had not been brave enough to make the call to the vet. 

The morning all this was happening I had two calls from clients in the same position as me. Needing to make the decision to help their pet cross-over because the body was no longer serving him/her, but just life Griffin both the pets were expressions of love and joy and fully cognitive when interacting with their people. Supporting theses people and their pets, whininess their courage in supporting their animals wishes gave me the final push I needed to make the arrangements necessary for Griffins transition. 

There is an emptiness now in the house, being a German Shepherd a breed known for being attach at the owners hip, he would follow me from room to room. But to my surprise am ok. I'm fully at peace with his passing and my connection with him is still the same, if not stronger.  I'm focusing on self care and me kind to myself when I begin to judge my grief and healing experience, as I expected it to be far more painful and less peaceful at this juncture. 

Dear Griffin,

You filled the last 12 years of my life with love and joy. We climbed mountains and played in the ocean and I am grateful for every moment we shared. I am blessed the beautiful soul within you choose to share this life expression by my side. 

I am who I am to day because I knew you. You live on in my heart and your legacy is forever entwined with my sharing of the gift you awakened in me with the world. 

Until we meet again,

Tuesday, September 20, 2016


No matter what your reason for contacting an Intuitive Animal Communicator the out come for you and your animal companion is life changing. Here is a clients testimony highlighting the profound change she experienced with her dog Shaneeq (pictured) after just one intuitive communication session with me. 

I had a session with Amy b/c  I could tell that my dog, Shaneeq, was unhappy.  We've had some big changes to our pack dynamics with the loss of 3 elderly dogs in 4 years and recently, 3 new fosters.  

Shaneeq was withdrawn and was staying in the corner of the bedroom most of the time.  After my call with Amy, she is a new dog!  She is no longer staying in the corner of the bedroom.  She follows me everywhere, hangs out with the other dogs and even gives them kisses!  Now on our alone-time she and I play and play and play.  She is 10 years old but she has been doing that scoot/run with her butt tucked under her when we play.  

Wednesday, August 3, 2016


One of the most powerful tools you have at your disposal for shaping the working relationship you share with your equine athlete is your thoughts. Most of us go through the motions of training, relating, and working with our equine athletes without giving much thought to monitoring our thought patterns. This is a mistake because the thoughts you think during everyday interactions with your athlete is where achievement of relationship and performance goals is conceived.

Amber Manley & Doc | Behind The Ally

The Facts:

All physical reality is made up of vibrations of energy. 

Every thought you think every word you say sends out its own energetic expression effecting physical reality. 

Your animal companion is highly sensitive to energy.

Because animals are highly sensitive to energy your equine athlete feels you before s/he sees or hears you. What I mean by this is that when you are communicating with your horse s/he receives the message you are sending energetically before s/he receives the information visually or audibly. Basically, no matter what you say or do, your thoughts dominate the communications your horse is receives from you.  So how can you harness your MindPower to impact the relationship and performance you want to experience with your teammate?


Mindfulness is an integral part of  your MindPower and it takes some practice because most of the thoughts we think are re-active patterns or habits of our mind.  Mindfulness requires you to be in a place of high-noticing when it comes to your thoughts. When from a place of high-noticing you become aware an old thought pattern that does not support the type of relationship or performance you want to create with your equine athlete, you have an opportunity to shift that thought and align it with the experience you want to co-create with your equine athlete.

For example; When in a training session something goes wrong most peoples first reaction is. Why? This would be a pattern of thinking or habitual response that sparks the counterproductive search into the question, "Why is this happening" Please do not think that uncovering why your companion exhibits a particular behavior is unimportant, because it is. Helping people uncover the motivation behind their animal companion’s behavior is an essential part of my work as an Intuitive Animal Communicator, but in that moment its far more productive to get mindful. 

How you do that is allow your self to activate high-noticing, this means becoming acutely aware of your current thoughts. Are you feeling flustered, angry, embarrassed, disrespected, what is your current reactive thought pattern in the moment? (For those of you familiar with my in-the-moment message seining technique from my book Beyond Companionship this is process is a part of the acknowledgment step, getting clear about exactly whats happening in the present moment.) Once you be come aware of your current thought pattern you can shift those thoughts from reactive to co-acitve and that's mindfulness. By shifting your thoughts back into alignment with the experience you are trying to create for you and your equine athlete s/he is going to be receiving clear, unclouded information giving you greater ease and acceptance while working together. Once your thoughts are in alignment with the experience you want to have, combine verbal communication with positive reinforcement training techniques to support your equine athlete throughout the rest of your learning/working time together.


Bonus mindful tips for those of you committed to being a more conscious companion to your equine athlete.

Intention/Affirmation - Positive affirmations are a great energy shifting tool. What's your intention for the work you share with your equine athlete? How do you want the time you share with your equine athlete to feel? Answer these questions and develop an affirmation that can be recited in the moment to remind you of your purpose and help you shift from re-active to co-active.

Activate Heart-Space - You can activate your heart space by bringing your attention to your heart center, thinking of something you love a joyful memory, family member, or beloved pet can help you do this. Animal companions hold the space of unconditional love in our lives. Your pets true essence resonates with the vibration of love, so when you pause and drop into your heart-space in the presence of your animal companion you are literally tuning into his or her wave length. Once you have connected on this level any interaction that follows is going to feel more connected, communicative, and co-creative. 

If you want to explore mindfulness your personal connection with your equine athlete more in-depth I invite you to book an intuitive communication session. 
Mention this blog at the beginning of your equine athlete's communication session in the month of August and get a bonus 10 minute MindPower Analysis exploring your current thought patterns and how you can shift into MindPower and positively impact relationship and performance. 

Friday, July 1, 2016

GUEST BLOGGER: The Hippie Homesteader talking about her Hippie Horse product lines best-seller.

Part of being a Conscious Companion to the animals in your life includes supporting their physical well-being and this time of year if you are a horse owner helping your horse stay sane by protecting them from those pesky flies.
Guest Blogger Amanda Hirschfield AKA The Hippie Homesteader has just the thing for that in her new Hippie Horse essential oil product line.

Whether you show, race, trail ride, or rodeo as horse owners we all have one common nemesis-flies. Yes, it's that time of year again, fly season. Every summer I would scour the aisles of the local farm store, trying to determine what spray is going to keep my horses comfortable in the pasture and able to focus in the arena. But with every pull of the spray nozzle I was becoming acutely aware of how many toxic chemicals I was applying to my horses skin. It just didn't feel right, and to be honest, they weren't even that effective.

Several years ago I started studying herbal medicine and aromatherapy.  I knew that this was the answer to keeping bugs and toxic pesticides off of my animals. After a few seasons of testing blends I developed a combination of essential oils that keep my animals happy.
So when I started my aromatherapy company - The Hippie Homesteader - I knew that I needed to include all natural products for my equine companions. By far my most popular Hippie Horse Product is SHIELD, an all natural fly spray. This blend of essential oils keeps flies, mosquitoes, and ticks at bay without any pesticides, detergents, or artificial ingredients. This is a fly spray you can feel good about using and the best part, it works!

SHIELD- All Natural Fly Spray 
Connect with The Hippie Homesteader by
 visiting her website 

 liking her on Facebook

Monday, June 20, 2016


Throughout my book Beyond Companionship: Connecting with Kindred Souls of Animal Companions, you will see Pause & Connect Points.   I did this for two reasons; I wanted to give you an opportunity to apply what you are reading about to the relationship you share with your pet(s), and because I know what a profound impact pausing to connect with the animals in your life has on the relationship you share with him/her. 

Taking the time to pause and connect is especially important in working and learning situations when you need to communicate information to your pet.  How clearly can you communicate what you need to your pet if you don't take a moment (pause) to get connected? Communicating does not have mean exchanging information by talking to your pet and hearing his or her response the way I do in one of my intuitive communication session. Communication as an exchange of information. You and your animal friends are always exchanging information, sometimes it is verbal, other times you  communicate through body language and your energy is always broadcasting messages to your animal friends, human friends too! If you are an equestrian you will communicate through leg pressure, and equipment like reigns, and bits. No matter how the information is being exchanged, communication with your animal companion will be crystal clear if you pause and connect first. 

Here are my two simple actions to help you pause and get connect with your animal friend. I recommend doing this before any time spent with your 4-legged companion.
1. Pause - Stop and take a deep breath.

2. Connect - Drop into your heart-space. You can activate your heart space by bringing your attention to your heart center, thinking of something you love a joyful memory, family member, or beloved pet can help you do this.

Animal companions hold the space of unconditional love in our lives. Your pets true essence resonates with the vibration of love, so when you pause and drop into your heart-space in the presence of your animal companion you are literally tuning into his or her wave length. Once you have connected on this level any interaction that follows is going to feel more connected, communicative, and co-creative. 

*If you are interested in further connecting and communicating with your companion sign up for my weekly sentiments from the animals we share our lives with and get a copy of my Quick-Start Guide to  Conscious Companionship with Animal Companions*

Thursday, June 9, 2016


As an intuitive animal communicator and grief coach I am always reconnecting people with their departed animals, but in truth our animal friends who are now in spirit are always reaching out and connecting. You might see your departed dog out of the corner of your eye, or think you feel your departed cat brush up against your leg. A woman in my free monthly pet loss healing group told us about how when she's found dimes she knows they are a sign from her beloved departed dog. After telling her friends this they now tell her, I saw a dime and it made me think of you and your departed dog. Bonds of love are eternal and each of these is a way which departed animal companions connect so we can continue to feel their love and presence.

Another very common way for a departed animal friend to reach out and reconnect is to visit in a dream. I think its easy for them to connect in a dream because the mental mind is not engaged, controlling and judging the experience making clear, authentic connection possible. The trick is remembering the experience in the morning and dream scripting/dream journaling helps with that.  It is a fact that everyone dreams 4-5 dream cycles a night and if you would like to intentional set up a dream reunion with your departed companion here is a simple 3 step process for creating a intentional dream connection. 


1. Set your intention
Begin by seeing the mental image of your departed animal companion in you minds eye. On a piece of paper jot down your intention for meeting your companion in your dream tonight. Is there something you want to say to him/her? Is there something you want to feel? You might want to pet or hug your companion, maybe just the comfort of his or her presence is what you want to experience. Is there something you need to know? Are you wondering if your departed companion is ok? Would you like to receive some divine wisdom from him or her? 

2. Say the mantra
I love this mantra! I got it from Charlie Morley's Hay House World Summit 2016 interview. 
                                        "Tonight I remember my dreams.
                                        I have excellent dream recall."      -Charlie Morley
Repeat this mantra over and over as you fall asleep. You want this to be the last thought you have before driving off to dream. 

3. Journal
It is a fact that keeping a dream journal helps you remember your dreams. People who write down what they recall from their dreams right away when they wake up remember more, and if you do this repetitively you remember even more. Don't make a big deal about this. Keep the paper with your dream intention on your night stand and when you wake up in the morning give yourself 3-5 minutes to jot down the main points, main narrative or anything
you can remember from your dream. 

The more you practice these intentional dream scripting steps the easier it will become for you to recall connecting with your departed animal friend in the dream. Your animal companion wants to love, support and connect with you.  Dream scripting is a great way for you to reach out and initiate the reconnection. These steps I have given fro intentional dream are also first steps to Lucid Dreaming, allowing one to consciously interact within your dream. If you are interested in learning more about lucid dreaming check out Charlie Morley's work.

Sweet Dreams Conscious Companions...

Thursday, April 14, 2016


Some of the most healing sessions I do are with animals in spirit. Reconnecting with a beloved animal friend who has departed breaks your heart space wide open and allows healing to flood in.  The grief that accompanies loss of any kind is a personal experience we each go through in our way and on our own timeline, so every session I do with a departed animal companion is unique. Because of the deep bonds forged during a life together a departed companion knows just what messages are needed to support  healing. I witness these messages break down feelings of anger, and guilt, release the sadness and pain that accompanies loss. Always confirming the love, connection, and companionship shared these messages lift the spirits of the recipient to the point they often say to me at the end of a session, "I feel lighter."  In the case of Kelly and her beloved dog Coco the messages received during their session were about healing and Coco helping Kelly find new companion to share her life with. 

Kelly contacted me because she was feeling ready to bring a new 4-legged companion into her life after the painful loss of her beloved dog Coco. She wanted to reconnect with Coco, feel her energy, hear her words, and share with her that while she would always love her, it was time to open her heart and life to another companion. Not only was Coco elated that Kelly was feeling ready to open her heart to new companion, affirming with us that yes, it is time, Coco told us that Kelly's new companion was already on course to connect with her! If you have read my book Beyond Companionship; Connecting with Kindred Souls of Animal Companions, you know that I am a firm believer that the animals in our lives are not here by mistake, their presence has profound purpose and meaning. It is no surprise to me the extraordinary and destine ways the right companion for someone finds his or her way into that persons life. I believe the fated meeting between Kelly and her new companion explained why Kelly had been increasingly feeling the need to search for a new furry friend. Here is Kelly's story of the day she found her new companion Buddy, with a little help from an angel. 

Kelly's Facebook Post: Finding Buddy 

Tuesday afternoon following my session with Amy, I had a 45 minute break between meetings. I had been looking for a dog, but never found the right one. I googled "animal shelter near me" and one popped up that I had never heard of. It was only 3 miles away. 
As I pulled in and parked, I prayed to my beloved Coco who passed away six years ago, that she let me know definitively if my dog was there so I couldn't deny the information. (I usually walk in and want to take them all home!) 
As I walk in, the dogs go nuts - jumping, barking, really frantic and chaotic. And, there amongst the noise is this precious boy quietly wagging his whole body. He looked JUST like Coco, only bigger with patches versus brindle. I knelt down next to him and the noise and anxiety in the kennel escalates, yet this dog "Boss" remained calm. As I put my fingers into the chain link cage, he gently hands me his paw. I burst out crying and gave him a paw massage just as I used to do for Coco. He slowly got sleepy and laid down in his cage, regardless of the noise and outside distraction. The vet tech came by and saw us sitting on the floor, tears running down my cheeks, and I said, "this is my dog." She told me that he had just been returned 20 minutes earlier after a tough weekend with a family who took him home. Why was it tough? I believe he was meant to be with me and they were simply holding him for a few days until I could find him. 
Thank you Coco for all the love you gave me and our family, and most of all for bringing Buddy and joyfulcompanionship back into my life. (For those you believe in animal communicators, I highly recommend Amy Miller. She was integral in helping me along this journey.)

If you would like to experience a reconnect with your departed animal friend, I invite you to book an Animals in Spirit session. If you would like support in healing  your heart from the loss of an animal friend check out my Pet Loss Support Services , including my FREE monthly healing & support call. 

Buddy - National Pet Day, April 2016

Monday, March 14, 2016


I am a firm believer that anyone yes, anyone even you can connect with animals in that Dr. Doolittle way. If you not sure who Dr. Doolitle is watch the original 1967 Doctor Dollitle Movie starting Rex Harrison an animal communicating veterinarian. It's a pretty epic montage of music, merriment, and animal talk. Back to you and me and our shared mutual ability with Dr. Doolittle to connect with all sentient beings. At this point you might be feeling some self-doubt wondering, could I really talk to the animals? In my experience those who don't believe animal communication is possible for them simply don't know how they themselves communicate intuitively.

Intuitive communication is an exchanging of information in a non-sensory way, meaning that you are not receiving the information in a tangible way via sight, sound, smell, taste, touch.  You are so used to receiving information through your tangible senses you often forget your non-sensory 1st sense, your intuition. Many call this their 6th sense however, I believe we are all souls first and intuition steams from that soul space within making it your first sense in my mind. Your first sense's lack of tangibility makes it very easy to dismiss, ignore, and intellectualize away information you are receiving intuitively. This is the space where animal communication happens so if you want to chat with the animals you will need to tune into your 1st sense and open to receiving intuitive communication.

When teaching others to connect and communicate with animals one thing that comes up frequently is this idea that communication has to equal conversation. Let me tell you right now this is NOT true. Students often believe they are not "doing it right" because intuitive communication does not look and feel like what they think it should i.e. conversation. I will admit that sometimes animals will pop in my head and our communication is like an inner monolog taking place in the magical corners of my mind, but hearing words is not my primary way of receiving intuitive communication, knowing is. I'm sure your saying, what the heck does that mean? Well, during a communication session with an animal when the owner asks me a question, the information pops in my head, BAM! instant download. I am well practiced and open to receiving intuitive communication and information that I need to know is just there.  I still receive information through all 4 channels of intuitive communication, BAM! instant download, just happens to be my primary way of receiving.

What are the 4 main channels of intuitive communication?

1. Feeling
Feeling the empaths will understand this mode of intuitive communication. This exchange of information in received by overwhelming feelings that are not yours. This is why when I teach animal combination I tell students to be aware of what they are feeling prior to intuitively communicating with another being. This way when they feel a feeling wash over you separate from your current state of feeling is, you know its coming from the animal.
2. Seeing
If you are a visual person it's very likely when you tap into intuitive communication you will receive intuitive information though pictures or mental imagery.
3. Hearing
This is the more traditional way people think of animal communication, a sharing of words. For me this is like an inner-mololouge, almost like I'm talking to myself but I know ask the questions being asked or know the answers I'm hearing. Remember you don't actually hear the words audibly this is a non-sensory exchange of information. 
4. Knowing
Have you ever just confidently known the answer with out a doubt, or had the answer pop up in your head before the question was even asked? Well then you have been receiving intuitive communication. Knowing is an overwhelming  feeling of knowing matter of fact.     

Each of us is continually sending and receiving intuitive communication with the people and animals around us. If you want to tap deeper into your ability to receive information via intuitive communication open to all 4 channels and allow the information to flow. Your intuition is like a muscle the more you work it the stronger it becomes and the more information you will be exchanging.

Love animals? Lets connect follow me on Facebook

Monday, February 22, 2016


2 messages you can send your animal for a smooth transition into your new home.  

Last week I had sessions with two horses who would be moving to new barns. It is common for owners to book a session to connect with their animal companions when getting ready to move to a new home. When using communication to help an animal prepare for a move there are three key messages that I like to send. 

1. Let your companion know when the move is taking place. 

As soon as you know you will be moving it is important to begin including your animal companion in the conversation.  Something I tell all my clients is that our animal friends feel us first. Meaning that before your companion sees you, hears you, s/he feels your energy.  S/he knows something is going on and part of being a conscious companion to your animal means keeping him/her in the loop. 
Start by sending a simple out loud message to your companion telling him/her the day that you will me moving to the new home as well as how far in the future the move is going to be, one week/one month/etc.  Then you will want to send a verbal reminder message to your companion as moving day approaches.    

2. Share the details. 

Giving your animal companion specifics about the moving process an help ease moving anxiety. One of the horses I worked with last week is not a fan of having to ride in the horse trailer. Acknowledging that and letting him know why he was having to ride in the trailer as well as how long the trip to his new home was going to be shifted the energy of the experience. His owner even contacted me the day after his move to let me know how smooth the transition went. Share any details you have with your companion and s/he will thank you. 

3. Invite your companion to make him or herself at home.

During a session with an animal that is going to be moving I will actually say to that animal this is going to be your new home. We want you to start making yourself feel at home right away, and Get familiar with the surroundings. In the case of the two horses I worked with last week I invited them to make friends with the new people who would caring for them daily as well as the other horses. 
After moving to the new location you can take this one step further and give your animal companion a tour of his/her new home. This is especially important if there are areas your companion is not able to go, or if there are introductions to friends that need to be made. 

Intuitive commucniation is an exchange of informtion and not always conversation. Some times messages are relayed via pictures or mental imagery. Animals are very open to receiving messages this way. It can be helpful when preparing your animal companion for a move to send him/her pictures of what your new home looks likes. 
Mental imagery as a message is easy to do. Before going to sleep when you are in your bed and relaxed, say to your companion *insert name* I want to show you what our new home looks like. Then proceed to play a movie in your mind, a walk through tour so to speak of your new home. Your companion will receive theses images and get familiar with the new surroundings. 

Sending these messages to your animal companion will help him/her understand the shift in your energy, and reduce the level of stress that accompanies a move for your animal companion. If you are moving and would like some support in preparing your companion I would love to connect and support you through an intuitive communication session. 

Monday, February 15, 2016


Wellness pet food company recently ran a social media campaign asking people to post a picture of their animal companions with a caption that included  #TruLoveIs.  Looking at my 12 year old German Shepherd and best friend Griffin, the words that pooped in my head were timeless & eternal. 

Then I got to thinking, how is this timeless & eternal love created?

The answer: Presence, by our choosing to being present and experience the love that surrounds us in every moment.

The animal(s)you share our lives with have an interesting super power, animals are pure love made manifest. Animal companions are holding the space of unconditional love for you. To experience this pure and profound love you need only be present. One of the easiest ways to get out of your head and snap yourself into the present moment is to do a sensory checklist. What are you seeing, hearing, touching, tasting, smelling. Next time you are hanging out with your four-legged bestie do a quick sensory check in, get fully present in the moment and really enjoy his or her companionship.

To experience true love you need only be present to all the love in your life. 

Monday, February 1, 2016


The following excerpt from my book Beyond Companionship: Connecting with Kindred Souls of Animal Companions, is a favorite of mine to read at book signing events. It gets people thinking about the purpose of their animal companions presence in their life, making for a good dissuasion.  Grab your journal, a pen, and use the questions from the reading (included below) to explore the deeper meaning of your animal companions presence. 

Think of a significant relationship you have shared with an animal companion in your life. For this exercise it does not matter if the animal is still with you or has passed. Recall what you felt the first time you met this animal companion. Was it like every other animal you have met or was there an immediate connection?  Can you recall the other circumstances of your life when this animal came to you.  What was your state of being physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually at the time you met this animal companion?  Think about the time you spent connecting, bonding, and building the relationship you now share with this animal. Now think about how that same animals presence has affected you on every level. Are you more physically active now because of your dog’s love for walking?  Are you happier in your day to day life because of the joy you get from visiting your horses in the barn? Are you feeling more connected to the other animals and people in your life because of the deep connection you share with this animal friend?

On a sheet of paper, write down two notable things that have changed in your life as a result of this animal's presence. Based on what you have read thus far and after looking at these two changes, is it possible that your animal companion is or was playing a meaningful role in your life beyond the role of animal companion? At this time, it is not important to label your soul connection using one of the types of soul connections I have described in chapter 3. The label is not as important as you becoming more aware that your animal companion’s presence has purpose.

Join me for my next book signing:
February 6th | 12-2pm