Opening your heart to a new animal friend is exciting and stressful for both you and your new companion. This months in the moment message is a simple one. But the positive impact of this message on your new friend will be noticeably felt. Last month our in-the-moment message was targeted for animal companions who are moving. The techniques shared are ones I uses in sessions with profound success and if you CLICK HERE you can check it out.
For our April in-the-moment message we are going one step further and adding a short, simple message to support rescued or re-homed animals when welcoming them into a new home or more specifically their forever home. Your April message: This is a place where you are welcomed and loved. I/we invite you to get comfortable with the surroundings because this is your forever home. This message is the perfect add-on to last months message work for animals who are moving to welcome a rescued or re-homed animal into your home. Sometimes the most simple clear message like, this is your forever home, spoken out loud with heart is exactly what is needed to be heard for an animal friend to open up their heart and begin to trust again. This months message will ease anxiety, tensions, make your intentions clear and give you a strong foundation for trust to build on. Side Note: This ones for you Faith (You know who you are goddess of rescue.) and anyone who fosters/rescues in a situation where your home is not the last stop for your furry, feathered or scaly friend. You can send a similar message of intention letting the animal in your care know they are in a safe home where they are welcomed and loved and you are going to care for them and learn all you can about about them so that you can help him/her find them a forever family. It's also kind to let them know via in-the-moment verb an message how the search is going. Example; A family is coming to visit with you today. I'm taking to meet a new friend today. I heard you will going to your new home in a week (then give reminder updates) *bonus*This should almost be its own column. It is a message I use in session frequently i.e. almost every session I'm focusing on trust building. Bonus Animal Communication In-The-Momnt Message: You are safe here. I take my role as your caretaker very seriously. I would never put you in a situation that would purposely hurt or harm you. Happy Chatting!
Every Post I will be writing about specific messages to help you enhance your relationship and verbal communication with your animal friends. For more detailed information on my in-the-moment messages ending techniques check out the Pause & Connect Point on page 37 of my book Beyond Companionship: Connecting with Kindred Souls of Animal Companions (click title for purchase link)
Last month you started the verbal conversion between you and your companion with a simple message of affection and care. Lets expand the conversation from whats going on between you and your pet to whats going on in your life.
This month your in-the-moment message for your animal companion will be a heads up on the going ons in your home. Don't overthink this, keep it simple sweetie. If you are communicating with a house pet you can give him or her specifics about when you are coming home if leaving the house. I would even go as far as telling your companion where you are going. I have seen these types of messages go far in helping pets who are a little anxious around their persons coming and goings.
If you are communicating with a barn/stable friend you might want to communicate your visiting schedule for the week, letting him or her know when s/he can expect you. The trick to this is, sticking to what you have said and if your going to change your plans do a little distant communication to give your animal friend(s) a heads up.
Three step distant message sending technique:
1- Take a deep cleansing breath.
2- Picture your animal as if they are sitting right in front of you, I always used to imagine my favorite photo of Griffin when I did this.
3-Send your message
Yup, it's that simple!
Happy Chatting!
Last year with my monthly newsletter column we talked connection and communication, you can see this information in previous posts titled Animal Communication Quick Tips. This years monthly column I'm making verbal communication or in-the-moment message sending the focus of the column. You can lean more about in-the-moment message sending in my book Beyond Companionship: Connecting with the Kindred Souls of Animal Companions. These next 12 posts will be based on the Pause and Connect point found on page 37.
I have always said we do not give our animals enough credit for what they are able to understand and comprehend. When we we send a clear, focused message out loud (because out loud is much more affirming when we are beginners at communicating) the intention, energy, and meaning of the message is fully relieved by our animal companions.
If you work with me you know I believe animals have connection and communication preference and we should readily use those preferred ways to connect. However, animals can learn via all connection and communication avenues and making verbal communication i.e. in-the moment message sending a connection point in your relationships with animals you will have an animal who begins to not only better understand you but who will look to you as a source of information.
Messages can be as simple as I love you, or as complex as when under saddle you say to your horse when I nudge you here with my foot I need you to a.b.c....The trick to in-the-moment message sending is to do it. Because the more you give your horse information you are peeling the onion going deeper and deeper into connection, trust. This month your in-the-moment message home work is to simply begin the conversation. Start talking out loud to your animal companion giving him or her tid-bits of information here and there and she how he/she responds. In a short time your animal companion will begin to look to you for these messages and you can starting using the technique productively.
Throughout the next 12 months I will be writing one speciific messages every month to help you enhance your relationship and verbal communication with your animal friends.
To sign up for these messages via my monty email - CLICK HERE