Excerpt from my book Beyond Companionship: Connecting with Kindred Souls of Animal Companions, in memory of my beloved companion Griffin.
Waking Up: My First Soul Connection
I open my eyes slowly because the sunlight is invading my bedroom and I am aware that it is the weekend and I have slept in. I am also aware that the head of my three-year-old German Shepherd, Griffin, is resting on the bed and he is intently staring at me. I close my eyes and snuggle into my purple shabby chic comforter, wondering what he wants. My mind rests on the most obvious answer--Griffin needs to go outside.
I groan to myself at the thought of leaving my present comfort, and it is at that moment that I notice one very distinct sound missing--his whine. German Shepherds have a unique whine that any owner can attest to. The whine is so high pitched that there are moments I am sure Griffin is making noise, but the sound is beyond my range of hearing. The high pitch sounds made by Griffin that are within my hearing range can awake me from dead sleep. Griffin employs the German Shepherd whine often when he needs to go outside.
I turn my head back to Griffin, meeting his unusually quiet attentive stare and a question pops into my head, Why don’t we go to shows on the weekend anymore?
My logical mind protests this random and unexpected intrusion by not answering the question, Immediately another question presents itself: Why did we move here?
Ok, I think. I am now intrigued as Griffin’s chin is still resting on the side of my bed and he has not taken his eyes off me. These are not questions I would ask myself, and all this while I am wondering, Am I dreaming right now? I start to clearly think the answers to these questions that were presented in my mind and a dialogue begins. I then, in my mind, ask, Griffin, are you asking me these questions?
He replies, Yes.
I have a dear friend and mentor, Paris Drake, a world-renowned psychic who has an office not far from where I grew up in Wisconsin. When Griffin connected with me and asked these questions, I wasn’t shocked. Because of my relationship with Paris, I was very open to the fact that connecting with other souls-- even animal souls--is possible.
If I could have invited you into my head to witness my first time communicating with an animal, my exchange with Griffin would have sounded like an inner monologue. Even today when an animal sends me a verbal message during a session, in my mind it is a similar feeling to what you feel when you are talking to yourself. I have learned that being aware of what I am thinking and feeling in every moment allows me to be acutely aware when I experience thoughts and feelings outside of my own. This is because our thoughts and feelings are sent out into the surrounding world through energy.
At the core of each of our beings, person or animal, there is an energy, a vibration, a unique expression that radiates out into the world. These individual energetic frequencies converge in an ocean of energy which results in a sea of oneness where we all are interconnected. The more I reached into this sea of oneness, connecting to the energies and souls around me, the more I began to resonate with the undeniable connectivity existing just beneath the surface of everything we see. It is this very oneness which allows me to peer into the eyes of a client's beloved animal companion and glimpse into their life experience.
If you would have told me at the moment Griffin first connected with me in this way that talking with animals would become my passion and life's work, I would not have believed you, but the truth is something awoke deep within me that sunny spring morning in 2006, and over the course of the next year, I incessantly read books on animal communication and chatted with every animal that crossed my path.