Animal companions often get caught up in the hustle and bustle of our everyday lives. Its easy to begin just going through the motions of feed the cat, groom the horse, let the dog in, let the dog out, throwing the ball while watching TV. Being a conscious companion means periodically stepping out of the routine and really connecting with your companion.
Mindful observation is a simple 3 step practice to help you to experience the presence of your animal companion.
1.) Choose an animal companion to focus on for this exercise.
2.) Begin to place all your focus and attention on him/her. Don't try to control your companions action just be the observer. If s/he leaves the room activate all your senses to keep him/her in your awareness. Relax into the harmony of this connectivity for as long as you can.
3.) When you are ready to shift out of this exercise in observation end by thanking your animal companion for his or her prescience in your life.
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