Monday, December 28, 2015





1.  To express Love.
 2.  You want to be a more conscious companion to your animal friends.
 3.  Your companion has crossed over and you want to connect with him/her.  
 4.  To stop your cat from peeing on your head. (Yes, this happens.)
 5.  Find out if your current companion wants you to bring home a friend for him/her.
 6.  To receive love.
 7.  To enhance your animal companions training program.
 8.  You want to know your horse's opinion on his/her tack.
 9.  To say goodbye.
10.  You rescued an animal and want him or her to know s/he is welcome and loved.
11.  Your animal companion is smarter than you and you want to up your game.
12.  To find out why your cat wants to sleep on your head, because you are sure your
        snoring is not that bad.
13.  To keep the peace amongst the animals in your house.
14.  You want to negotiate better behavior.
15.  You're fascinated by animal communication and want to know more!
16.  To find out why your dog is winking at you.
17.  To find out why your dog is winking at your neighbor.
18.  You are sitting on your horse and s/he isn’t moving.
19.  Something is off with your animal companion and you need support finding
        out what’s going on.
20.  To enrich the time you share with your complain.
21.  To book a restorative energy session
22.  To see if the companion you're considering is a good fit for you and your home.
23.  To discuss your travel plans with your animal companion.
24.  You are an equine competitor and want a competitive edge.
25.  You want to interact with your animal companion in a way that honors him/her.
 26.  Explain to your showmanship horse that crossing his/her legs as the judge
        approaches does not make him/her look “cool”.
27.  To thank your animal companion for his/her presence in your life.
28.  You need to explain that porcupines are not play toys.
29.  Your animal companion is staring at you, always staring.
30.  Your companion is anxious and want to send messages to ease that anxiousness.
31.  To book a workshop or event in your home or at your barn.
32.  You rescued your companion and you want to gain insight into his/her life
         experience before you met.
33.  Your companion is ill and you want to his/her thoughts on treatment options.  
34.  To ask you dog to stop chewing on the woodwork in your house.
35.  To thank your dog for no longer chewing on the woodwork in your house.
36.  To find out if there's anything your animal companion wants or needs.
37.  To enhance your animal companions wellness program.
38.  To stop your cat from pushing other cats off the cay tree like s/he is king of the
39.  Everyone else is doing it.
40.  You want to cultivate a deeper level of connectivity with the animals in your life.  
41.  To buy a gift certificate for a friend.
42.  You and your animal companion just found each other and you want to start of on
        the right foot.
43.  To gain ease and acceptance from your companion in training situations.
44.  Your moving and you want to prepare your animal companion.
45.  To find out where your dog has hidden your car keys.
46.  To book a soul pathways session and explore your companions soul journey.
47.  Your horse is away at the trainers and you want to ask him/her how it is going.     
48.  You just met an animal and you are sure you have met before in this life and you
        want confirmation.
49.  You just want to make sure your animal companion is happy.
50.  Don't call if your dog eats poop because I will just have to tell you how much he
          likes it!

Will animal communication work for you? Answer

Monday, December 21, 2015


“Until one has loved an animal a part of ones soul remains unawakened.”
 ~Anatole France

If there is one thing you have gotten from my work or writing, I hope it’s that like us animals are souls first. They are souls who choose to come to this time and space to walk beside us as beloved companions. Through a mystical combination of fate, divine timing, intuition and sheer luck these souls end up right where they are supposed to be…with you. 

Some animal companions are here to teach, others to heal, some simply offer a comic relief at the exact moment you need a smile. What each companion has in common is that s/he brings along the gift of unconditional love. This love can be seen in their eyes and felt in our hearts, It is made tangible in the precious sharing a part of their souls journey with you. The love and companionship given by your animal friends is an eternal gift that will forever be in your heart. 

To further explore deeper meaning and purpose in the presence of the animals you share your life with check out my book Beyond Companionship.

Monday, December 14, 2015


In my communication sessions I will sometimes talk to a client about theiranimal companion's sensory experience. I do this to help them become aware that while they are sharing an experience with their companion, their experience is not the same as their companions due to the advanced capability of his or her senses. For example; a horse can hear sounds up to 4km away. If you are trial riding with your horse, he or she could easily experience and react to a sound that you can not hear. 

 When speaking of you animals experience and their level of reaction to the experience during an intuitive communication session I like to explain it as three stages or levels of alert. 

YELLOW ALERT: Yellow alert is as close to your companions normals state of being. At this level your companion may be experiencing minor stress, and is able to connect with you and engage in activities.

ORANGE ALERT: Your companion moves from yellow to orange alert when additional stressors are added to their experience. For example: your companion is interacting with you in a crowded show ring and they are in yellow alert and mostly comfortable. Then loud music begins playing and your companion is sensitive to loud noises, the added stress puts your animal in a higher alert state. At this stage your animal is still able to connect with you but much less focused and may appear agitated.

RED ALERT:  This is the last level of alert before your animal companions flight or fight response is triggered. When your companion is in red alert you will see extreme stress signs anxiety even aggressive behaviors. In red alert the question is not will your animal's flight or fight response be triggered but when.  

It is important to be aware of your companion moving through these stage of alertness because you want to be able to give him or her information via in-the-moment-message-sending, a technique outlined in previous newsletters as well as in my book, Beyond Companionship. You may also want to employ a positive training tool or technique before the flight or fight instinctual response is triggered. The higher up the level of alert your animal is experiencing less effective any method of connecting you try will be.  Once the flight or flight switch has been flipped on your animal is only reacting and will not be able to connect with you in a conscious or controlled way until the adrenaline has moved through his or her system and s/he has calmed down.

It is important to be consciously aware of these different levels of alert, and what is feels like in the for both you and your companion as s/he moves through them. Use your awareness of these different stages going forward as a tool to improve your level of connectivity.  The hustle and bustle of the holidays is often stressful for companion animals and will be a perfect time to practice awareness of your companions level of alertness. 

I would love to answer any questions you have, leave them below in the comments and I will respond as soon as possible. 

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Spirit Animals; Adorn with Intention

 I'm an animal communicator, I love animals. 

I'm spiritual, I love spirit as well as the magical, and mystical. 

I'm a girl,  so I love a little sparkle too . 

When Tiny Devotions had the genus to combine these loves of mine in their spirit animal bracelet line I got so excited I had to add it share it with you.  

What you might ask does jewelry have to do with a more conscious way of BE-ing?

 Everything when you make it intentional!

I still remember the first piece of intentional jewelry.  I was shopping at a new age store in my home town when I was drawn to the vibe a Herkimer Diamond necklace in the jewelry case. At this time I had just begun to communicate with animals so it was no surprise when I looked up this crystals purpose and one of its properties was enhancing communication with animals. Are you hearing the twilight zone theme song.... LOL. 

Thus, began my fondness for stones,  and their vibes. 

Fast forward 7 years to my current fascination with Tiny Devotions and their spirit animal bracelets.  Its really rather simple, I'm jazzed about the vibe. You see, the crystals used to make these spirit animal bracelets are in resonance with the animal spirit they represent. I will use the starfish for an example because that is the animal spirit I got when I took the spirit animal quiz on the Tiny Devotions website. 

The starfish spirit animal bracelet is made up of sandalwood, peach moonstone, kuzite, and moonstone. Here is the description of the stones properties from the Tiny Devotions website. "Sandalwood is a very calm and tranquil sacred material. It is perfect for meditating + intention setting. It gives off a soothing scent that is known to attract positive energy and clear perception. Peach Moonstone is an intuitive stone that fosters success, clear thinking, and emotional stability. Perfect for those looking to achieve their dreams. Kunzite is the stone of emotion, opening the heart and connecting the mind to stimulate a joyful, powerful and pure healing connection. Moonstone is known as the stone of dreams + energy. Moonstone is said to encourage hope, as well as enhance intuition."  

All that energy in one bracelet! My inner goddess swoons and I am loving the vibe!

Take Tiny Devotions Spirit Animal Quiz

What spirit animal you get?

See Tiny Devotions and other great gifts ideas in my Conscious Companion Gift Guide Blog

Monday, December 7, 2015

Gifting Connection & Communication to People and Pets this Holiday. 

Tis the season for gifting and my Conscious Companions Gift Giving Guide last month was so popular I want to blog about two ways you can gift connection and communication to an animal lover in your life. 

The first gift is an animal communication session with me. During an intuitive animal communication session I connect with the animal through a sharing of energy. Animals communicate through feelings, pictures, words, and knowings. My intuition guides me through these communications and receives message from the animal for their person. Just as important I am able to give message to the animal from their person so they can move into a place of unified understanding. By gifting an intuitive animal communication session you will enrich the relationship between the recipient and their animal companion forever changing their lives.  

The second gift is a deck of my Conversation Cards. I created this deck of 33 cards as a fun, easy way for anyone (yes, anyone, any age, even you.) to recieve messages from their animal companion(s).  Each card in the set has two animal quotes from one of my enlightening communication sessions giving your recipient the opportunity awaken and explore his or her own intuitions. Included with each set are easy to use guide cards to aid users in forging new connections with their animal friends. I also have a fun YouTube video showing how to work with the cards. 

The animals we share our live with want to share their love through connection and communication, this is the perfect way to #giftlove 

Thursday, December 3, 2015


Using the Calm of Lavender with Your Companion.

Guest Blogger | Wendi Ell

One of the most widely-used and effective essential oils, beneficial for pets such as cats, dogs and horses, is Lavender essential oil. It can be used for a variety of reasons, but is most commonly used for its calming properties. 

Our pets are highly sensitive to aromatherapy and can benefit simply by capturing the airborne molecules to their olfactory system. While dogs can detect smells 50,000 times greater than our own, cats have an even more acute sense of smell. Horses, with their keen sensibility and intuition, oftentimes self-medicate by drawing in the molecules through each nostril individually, sending it to different systems within their body.

Keeping in mind that certain essential oils can be a bit overwhelming to pets, it is necessary to respect the nose space and "ask" first before forcing Lavender at their snouts. Hold the bottle with the cap on and ask your pet to come closer, allowing them to reach toward it, presenting the scent on terms they can handle and are comfortable with. Since they won’t know what to expect at first, It sometimes takes extra time or multiple tries to decide, but you should see clear signs either way. For dogs, subtle acceptance signs include licking the air, presenting a paw, lying down or being submissive. Horses show signs of approval by closing their eyes, dropping the head, chewing, reaching or sometimes grabbing the bottle. While cats, on the other hand, approve simply by not running the other direction.

I introduced Lavender to our American Mastiff, Harley (pictured right) because of her understandable insecurity issues after coming to us, as we were her third home.  With obvious traits of Anatolian Shepherd, we quickly discovered she wasn’t the typical laid-back, aloof mastiff – always on high guard, overly protective and easily allowed situations to escalate. The calming properties of Lavender essential oil absorb quickly, and help her maintain composure and control her anxiety levels in certain situations. 

Even though she is an extra large dog, only a small dab is needed, transferred to the underside webbing of each of her paws and on the tips of her ears. Harley loves Lavender essential oil so much that she insists on licking my hands clean before we’re done. Applying Lavender can be done with smaller dogs, too, by first diluting with a carrier oil such as fractionated coconut oil (liquid) or organic extra virgin olive oil.

Other beneficial uses of Lavender essential oil include grief, stress, minor skin irritations, surgery incisions, seasonal irritations, bug bites, bruising and muscle stiffness. If you are new to essential oils and pets, do your homework first – research proper dilution methods and learn which essential oils should be avoided altogether. And remember, quality and purity is the key to safe use and effective results.

For questions, more information or to purchase pure essential oils, visit my EIEIEOs – Essential Oils for Animals page on Facebook.

*Wendi Ell is not a trained medical professional and these statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. The suggested uses are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. Always consult your veterinarian for a professional diagnosis and treatment plan.