I hear your unspoken words.
~ your companion
I hear your unspoken words, was one of my May 2015, weekly sentiments of love and inspiration from the animals we share our lives. Every now and again I will elaborate on one of these animal messages for this blog.
Did you know that your companion hears what you are saying, even when you don't verbally say anything. Trust me here, my life's work is based on sending and receiving unspoken words with animals. Your thoughts are more powerful than you realize. They create a ripple or wave that is broadcast out into the world much like the radio waves that bring you your favorite music. All beings are constantly sending and receiving these thought waves. Your friends are hundreds of times more sensitive to these thought waves than your human friends. I believe one reason for this is your animal companion has the unique ability to live in, and for the present moment. Living in the present moment allows him or her in your life can more clearly receive your thought waves because they are not being obstructed by the their own thoughts about the past or worries about the future. Don't get me wrong, animals can recall past events or experiences they have had when I ask them to during a communication session. Animals can even have habits and lean red behaviors that steam from past experiences, but animals do not carry past experiences around in the forefront of their consciousness as we humans do. This makes it easy for them to "tune in" to your thought waves and hear your unspoken words.
Would you like to try to tune into your animal companions thought waves?
Next time you are enjoying the presence of your animal companion bring yourself into the present moment and quiet your mind by taking three deep breaths, focus on inhaling and exhaling slowly for each of the three breaths. Now turn forces on your animal companion binging him or her into your awareness. Observe any thoughts that pop into your consciousness and jot them down right away. In my experience the first thoughts and feelings that pop into my head are ALWAYS the right ones.
Still feeling a little foggy? I have something that can help!
In 2011 I created Conversation Cards. This deck of 33 cards is designed to help you awaken your intuition and engage in real-time conversation with your companion. Click the underlined link below to learn more.
Still feeling a little foggy? I have something that can help!
In 2011 I created Conversation Cards. This deck of 33 cards is designed to help you awaken your intuition and engage in real-time conversation with your companion. Click the underlined link below to learn more.