Thursday, October 29, 2015


I hear your unspoken words. 

                        ~ your companion

I hear your unspoken words, was one of my May 2015, weekly sentiments of love and inspiration from the animals we share our lives. Every now and again I will elaborate on one of these animal messages for this blog. 

Did you know that your companion hears what you are saying, even when you don't verbally say anything. Trust me here, my life's work is based on sending and receiving unspoken words with animals.  Your thoughts are more powerful than you realize. They create a ripple or wave that is broadcast out into the world much like the radio waves that bring you your favorite music.  All beings are constantly sending and receiving these thought waves. Your friends are hundreds of times more sensitive to these thought waves than your human friends. I believe one reason for this is your animal companion has the unique ability to live in, and for the present moment.  Living in the present moment allows him or her in your life can more clearly receive your thought waves because they are not being obstructed by the their own thoughts about the past or worries about the future. Don't get me wrong, animals can recall past events or experiences they have had when I ask them to during a communication session. Animals can even have habits and lean red behaviors that steam from past experiences, but animals do not carry past experiences around in the forefront of their consciousness as we humans do. This makes it easy for them to "tune in" to your thought waves and hear your unspoken words.

Would you like to try to tune into your animal companions thought waves?

Next time you are enjoying the presence of your animal companion bring yourself into the present moment and quiet your mind by taking three deep breaths, focus on inhaling and exhaling slowly for each of the three breaths.  Now turn forces on your animal companion binging him or her into your awareness. Observe any thoughts that pop into your consciousness and jot them down right away.  In my experience the first thoughts and feelings that pop into my head are ALWAYS the right ones. 

Still feeling a little foggy?  I have something that can help! 

In 2011 I created Conversation Cards. This deck of 33 cards is designed to help you awaken your intuition and engage in real-time conversation with your companion. Click the underlined link below to learn more.

Monday, October 26, 2015

Subscriber Question:

What prompted you to write your first book Beyond Companionship: Connecting with Kindred Souls of Animal Companions?

Working with animal companions who have crossed over is a large part of what I do as an intuitive animal communicator. One week in the fall of 2013, I worked with a number of animals who had recently transitioned. The experience of releasing the physical body and transiting back to the other side of the veil is different for animals. They see it as a simple shifting of energy from one form to another. It is not final. And they are blessed with the ability to live fully in the present moment so there experiences are not clouded judgment. I shared the animals point of view with my clients during these sessions and each of them found comfort in their animals words about their experience. It was then I decided to write Beyond Companionship, because I wanted to help people look at the experience of losing a beloved animal companion from the perspective of that companions greater soul journey, knowing that it would be a comfort and a step towards easing the pain of loss. As I wrote it was clear to me that Beyond Companionship, would serve the intended purpose I shared with you, but half way through my creating and writing process it evolved into something so much greater. It became about  cultivating a soul connection with animal companions. The kind of deep connection that extends beyond this time and space. 

A soul connection with your animal companion is the foundation of conscious companionship. There is an awakening that occurs within your Being when you look beyond the physical expression of your companion and acknowledge the soul within. That is why throughout Beyond Companionship, I added pause and connect point to help readers begin to go deeper and connect with their animal companion on at soul level. Stay tuned, next week I will share one of my favorite pause and connect points from Beyond Companionship

Listen in today on All About Horses Radio as host and natural horseman Jim Swayner, and I discuss Beyond Companionship in-depth. If you missed the live show you can find the interview in the All About Horses Radio Archives.

Beyond Companionship: Connecting with Kindred Souls of Animal Companions is available now from Balboa Press everywhere books are sold in hardcover, softcover, and ebook formats.  
Get your copy HERE.

Thursday, October 22, 2015


In my first post I promised I would share with with you a pause and connect point from my first book Beyond Companionship: Connecting with Kindred Souls of Animal Companions, here it is!

In Hindu, Namaste means “I bow to the divine in you.” The spoken word is often accompanied by a bowing gesture made with the person’s hands in a prayer position in front of their heart chakra. This salutation has become increasingly popular in western culture by a boom in the mind, body, and spirit practice of yoga. Many people use the short explanation of this term as “the divine within me recognizes and honors the divine within in you.” Being in this mindset of honoring the divine within is a great way to connect with and honor your animal companion’s soul-self. A short while ago, I started to see the animals around me through the definition of Namaste and I believe this practice has had a profound effect on deepening the level of connectivity I share with the animals around me. In passing, I will even do a slight bow to an animal in the spirit of honoring that animal’s true essence or soul-self. The following definition of Namaste I found on a poster hanging in a new age store transforms this salutation to a beautiful description of a soul connection: “My soul honors your soul. I honor the place in you where the entire universe resides. I honor the light, love, truth, beauty and peace within you because it is also within me.” 
In sharing these things, we are united, we are the same, we are one. Being in the Namaste mindset when interacting with your animal companion is a great practice for honoring the soul within them. 

I invite you right now to begin seeing your animal companion through the definition of Namaste.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Animals are Sentient Beings

"We, animal and human come to this time and space to have an experience embedded with our own divine purpose."

 ~Amy Miller, Beyond Companionship

Eight years of talking with the animals has left me with no doubt in my mind that animals are sentient beings. Your animal companion is not only able to feel, see, hear, smell and taste, but s/he is consciously aware.  S/he can feel pain, experience emotions and has needs and wants of his or her own. Science has gone so far in proving this that France adopted animal welfare legislation in 2015, officially stating all animals are sentient beings. Since your animal companion’s life is experience is a conscious one it only makes sense that your companionship should be conscious as well.

A few years after diving head first into a more conscious, spiritual, and intutive way of living, my German Shepherd communicated with me. This is was the first time an animal popped into my head and spoke to me. It felt like magic, and it shined light on a new way of expressing my intuitive gifts in a new way. The experience opened me up to a whole world of possibilities as I began cultivating deeply connective, and conscious relationships with animals. It is those relationships and the resulting raise in my own consciousness that fuel my passion for inspiring people to raise their consciousness and become a conscious companions.

When you choose to acknowledge your companion as a sentient being, you look beyond the physical connecting to the soul within and powerful connection is conceived. This connection opens your mind, touches your heart and awakens a knowing from deep within you. Attuning to the soul-self of your companion ignites a direct link to the place within all of us where we can connect as one. It is from that interconnected place of oneness that conscious companionship is birthed.

Tell me, do you believe your companion is a sentient being with thoughts, feelings even desires of his or her own?

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Conscious Companionship: Defined

Conscious companionship is lifestyle, a transformative way of being that comes from a more connected, compassionate and conscious way of interacting with the animals in your life. The term conscious championship came to me as I began working on my second book, the divinely inspired phrase is so in alignment with my my work as an intuitive animal communicator that I could feel the little hairs on the back of my neck standing up.  Even my soul began to hum.  As I continued writing the principles of conscious companionship moved through me and on to the page and my second book was birthed. 

It was not long after that inspired writing experience that I began cultivating the idea of a conscious companionship blog. A blog committed to sharing content that will enlighten, empower, and support you in cultivating habits, thoughts, attitudes, and interactions that constitute the mode of living in conscious companionship with the animals you share your life with. This is that blog. 

My name is Amy, you can think of me like an adorable blonde version of Dr. Doolittle.  I'm pretty sure I invented the #lovemydoolittelife one day while drive down the road chatting with a dogs who's ears are flapping the breeze.  I thank the pigs, the cows, the horses, the birds in the sky, and the squirrels in the trees for their presence here in this time and space.  I rarely walk by an animal with out a the a namaste nod. (More about that practice in a later blog.) I am a lover of life, seeker of truths, a fierce posssibiliatraian, and an intuitive animal communicator passionate about enriching the lives of all Beings who cross my path. Yes, I capitalized the B, for effect. I like to do things like that. 

 Follow by email so you are sure not to miss a singe post! Join me in the release of traditional pet ownership and choose to become a more conscious companion to your animal friends. 

Welcome to my blog.

Next Post 10/19/15, Animals are Sentient Beings.